
Title: Ein Aufruf zur Besinnung

Year: 2022

Field: Editorial

Context: Zurich University of the Arts

Analysis of the usage of the number 68 in a text about the Swiss youth movement in the year 1968 and its remembrance today.


Title: Roc Neu

Year: 2024

Field: Typography

Context: Zurich University of the Arts

Revival of Albert Boton’s Roc Normal, published in the Hollenstein catalogue of 1932 and found in the archives of the Museum für Gestaltung.


Title: K3T4

Year: 2023

Field: Editorial Design

Context: Zurich University of the Arts

Collaboration with Viviane Bettschart

Photography: Vasil @thepowershit

Archive Photos: Photoarchive UZH Zurich, ETH Library Photoarchive

Visual and written exploration of the discrepancy between the intended use of Ketamin and its use as a party drug.


Title: Assouline Publishing Preview

Year: 2022

Field: Editorial

Context: Zurich University of the Arts

Preview for the paris-based luxury publishing house Assouline, presenting the 12 most expensive publications they sell. [fictional assignment]


Title: Nasty Women

Year: 2023

Field: Poster

Context: Zurich University of the Arts

Collaboration with Jelka Freivogel and Nina Hitz

Poster proposal for the Stummfilm Festival at the Filmpodium Zurich with focus on the Nasty Women movement and its feminist protest.


Title: Sig Sister

Year: 2023

Field: Typography

Context: Zurich University of the Arts

Exploration of gender-based design in the toy industry as well as toy guns and weapons in form of a fictional brand.